My type of tea

Green Tea White Tea Black Tea Oolong Yellow Tea Pu Erh Smoked tea Mate Macha Rooibos and infusion
Spices Fruity Gourmet Citrus Flowers Nature
Iced Morning All day long Evening


There are 21 products.

Showing 1-21 of 21 item(s)

Rooibos Walkyrie

A lightning red rooibos with a natural aroma of blood orange and safflower petals.

€8.00 From


Rooibos strawberry, grape, ginger, cardamon, fennel, liquorice

€8.50 From

Ginger & Mango

Infusion of fruits and plants, Ginger, Mango, Apples, Nettle leaves, Citrus fruits.

€8.50 From

Fruits & Délices

Infusion of fruits, Pineapple, Banana, Grape, Mango, Liquorice, Honey, Hibiscus, Cinnamon.

€8.50 From

BaBa Liliya

Infusion of elderberry, hibiscus, apple, blackcurrant, pieces of strawberries and raspberries.

€8.50 From

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