Green tea First Flush Hubei, China pure origin
  • Green tea First Flush Hubei, China pure origin

Hubei FF Spring Ocean Green Needle


Green tea First Flush Hubei, China pure origin

In order to continue your discovery of Chinese green teas, Tea & Cie offers you the Hubei FF Spring Ocean Green Needle, a rare green tea produced in the Wuhan region, near the famous Wudang Mountain.

Harvested in mid-April, this First Flush contains dark and bright green leaves, rolled lengthwise, which is why it is called “Ocean Needle”.

Its pale yellow liquor reminds a little of a Lung Ching, and offers slightly sweet marine and vegetal notes, with a presence that evokes a little the chestnut and almond.

Tea & Cie’s favorite, this precious green tea has made our team enthusiastic. Finally, a short infusion of 2 minutes will allow you to appreciate all its flavors.


Green tea
All day long
Infusion time 2 à 3 min
Temperature of infusion 75°

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